Prime Student Membership is the perfect place to find pretty much everything you need for student life. With a Prime Student membership and TOTUM/NUS extra, you can browse millions of products: from books to music, electronics, sports, stationery and more.

Not a Prime Student member? Join today and start a six-month trial including:

• Unlimited One-Day Delivery on millions of items
• Prime Video
• Exclusive Student offers
• Prime Music

Then half-price Prime (£39/year) after six months.

Visit for further information*

To sign up for Prime Student, you need to be aged 18 or over, studying at university, at further education institutions or in apprenticeships in the UK. Terms & Conditions apply.

* Prime Student members are eligible for a single six-month trial period. If you have used your trial previously, you can enrol in a half-price Amazon Prime annual membership with Amazon Student for just £39 per year (50% off the regular price).

* If you are an Prime Student member, you can manage your account at Manage Prime.